摘要: | 在臺灣,社區照顧已成為老人照顧的主流服務模式。社區照顧是結合正式與非正式的社區資源,協助有照顧需求的長者能居住在自己家中,生活在自己的社區裡,同時又可獲得適切照顧,進而達到「在地老化」。當整體社會福利潮流為去機構化、民營化時,而社會也在尋求家庭以外的照顧服務背景之下,社區式日間照顧服務便逐漸受到社會的重視。
In Taiwan, community care for the elderly care has become a mainstream service model. Community Care is a combination of formal and informal community resources to help take care of the needs of elderly people can live in their own homes, living in their own community, but also get appropriate care, and then to "aging in place." When the whole trend of social welfare deinstitutionalization, when privatization, while under the care of social services background also looking outside the home, community-based day care services will gradually by the society.
Day care centers can help family members to care for the elderly with dementia, on the one hand it allows families to continue to balance its original business, studies or family, for the community to avoid reducing the existing labor productivity; on the other hand, allowing family members to breathing time and space, but also cultivate a better physical, mental and endurance to continue to take care of the elderly with dementia. This study adopted questionnaire survey conducted to understand the main family caregivers of elderly care consciousness sunshine service load, service quality and service center sunshine purchase intent related.
The results of this study as the following five points:
1. Take care of the families of perceptual load each dimension of universal pressure, especially in "social burden" the heaviest.
2. Rizhao center service quality perception families with "assurance" the most prominent; "tangible" minimum.
3. Families perceived service purchases intention to "loyalty" highest, followed by "conversion" and "the reaction behavior."
4. Dimensions and services to take care of the loading of the purchase intention of the relevant circumstances, most of the exhibits related.
5. Take care of the load in a "psychological burden" to serve the most important predictive variables purchase behavior intention at all levels and the overall level, and service quality institutions "assurance" minor compared to forecast variables. |