摘要: | 早期房地產商在房屋預售市場上的銷售策略手法,使得一般消費者與房地產研究者對於樣品屋與接待中心都抱持著負面的態度,但自1972年華美聯合建設首創樣品屋至今,隨著台灣經濟成長、資訊發達以及消費者對於自身權益與房地產市場運作機制的逐漸瞭解,都未改變以樣品屋與接待中心為主的行銷方式,而發展的歷程上也如同永久性建築,反映了不同時空環境變遷的事實。由於住宅商品化,在代銷業者的銷售策略運作之下,樣品屋與接待中心建築形式,結合一種象徵與意義,賦予商品特定感受,以在競爭激烈的房地產市場上創造銷售佳績。
1958年至1980年為樣品屋與接待中心開始發展的時期,樣品屋與接待中心的發展在未形成前,先以工地工務所作為接待中心,發展至樣品屋與接待中心的組合出現,其過程反映了台灣經濟與社會的變遷。在樣品屋承繼以西方移植過來的「住宅平面」作為銷售展示的發展下,以形隨機能(Form Follows Function)的延續或反映預售住宅立面,為現代主義建築簡潔風格的呈現,在強調西方現代化與進步象徵意義以及台灣經濟尚處於初步發展的落後反差下,西方移植過來的平、立面,自然作為銷售上的訴求。
1981年至1999年可作為樣品屋與接待中心第二個時期,在台灣政治與社會的逐步解放,加上經濟的蓬勃發展,台灣社會及社會價值趨向多元化,同時也提供了創造建築的可能條件,樣品屋與接待中心的發展,則反映在建築形式的多樣性;但在面對此時期西方建築潮流引入下的模仿與拼貼,代表文化反思與傳統意義的中國古典式樣建築,則同樣的反映在樣品屋與接待中心的建築形式上,此時期的式樣有:現代建築式樣、後現代建築式樣、中國古典式樣及西洋式樣等多樣性的呈現。在接待中心室內使用部份,則同社會的多元化,增加了銷售策略上,SP(show promotion)促銷活動所需空間,其目的在吸引人潮及創造住宅價值,也因此影響了樣品屋與接待中心平、立面的發展。
Due to the marketing strategy of the real estate agents in the early housing market, the average consumers and researchers of real estate hold a negative attitude against those model houses and reception centers. However, even with the economic development, advances of information and consumers gradually understanding their own rights as well as the operation mechanism in the real estate business, model houses and reception centers still remain the predominant marketing tactics, which shows that the developmental process, like the permanent architecture, has reflected different facts and changes in different times and spaces since the first construction of model houses by Wah Mei United Construction in 1972. Following the trend toward commodification of residence and under the operation of marketing strategy by the sale-agent, the forms of models houses and reception centers are combined to represent a specific symbol and meaning, instill certain sentiment into the commodity, and thus create high performance in the highly competitive real estate market.
This thesis aims to focus on the "forms and meanings" of the model houses and reception centers. It initially makes an analysis on the background contexts of different developmental stages of the model houses and reception centers, and thus concludes three developmental stages of the model houses and reception centers in the real estate market of Taiwan, which will be discussed respectively from Chapter 2 to Chapter 4. The three stages are summarized as the follows:
From 1958 to 1980 was the initial period of the development of model houses and reception centers. From the worksite office serving as the reception center before the formation of the model houses and reception centers to the combination of the model houses and reception centers, the process truly reflects the economic and social changes in Taiwan. Under the development of transplanting the "residential flat" from the western culture to serve as the sales presentation, the continuity of "Form Follows Function" or reflections of a facade of the pre-sale residence may represent a simple style of modern architecture, emphasize the symbolic meaning of the western modernization and progress, and make a contrast between the west and Taiwan, which was in the initial stage to develop its economy. Thus, the flat floor or vertical surface of the house transplanted from the west definitely serves as the key sales demand.
From 1981 to 1999, the second period of developing model houses and reception centers, with the gradual political and social liberation in Taiwan as well as prosperous economic development, Taiwanese society and the social values turned multi-cultural, which offered possible opportunities for the construction industry. The developments of model houses and reception centers perfectly reflected the multiple faces of the architectural forms. However, since this period was full of replication and collage of the western architecture, traditional Chinese architectural styles with cultural reflections and classic significance emerged and applied to the construction forms of the model houses and reception centers. The forms of this periods were: modern architectural style, post modern architectural style, Chinese classic architectural style, western classic architectural style, and other diversities. Following the trend of social diversification, the indoor facilities of the reception centers also increase the required space for SP (show promotion) to attract more people and create residential values, which influenced the development of flat and vertical surfaces of the model houses and reception centers.
From 2000 to now is the third stage of developing model houses and reception centers. Owing to the continued high vacancy rate in Taiwan's recessing pre-sale housing market in the beginning of 2000 and the admission of "Regulations for the Real Estate Management" in 1999, the sales-agents acquired a legal basis. With an emphasis on the business image and substantial management, the forms of the model houses and reception centers become a concrete image of the actual residence and substantial ecological management. The fact that there have been numerous designers being awarded more than often also prove that this is a stage of mature and high-level designs, and that it carries out the marketing strategy of the sales-agents. Current sales-agents no longer target at customers at random but provide them with a huge variety of model houses and reception centers equipped with customerized, thematic design, stylish decoration, and exquisite details. Even the appearance of model houses and reception centers will share "specific feelings" with the consumers. |