The arm of this study is to discuss the evaluation factors for the effectiveness of International Travel Fair. The Study is divided into two steps including literature review and statistics. In first step, five domains in assessments for the effectiveness of Interna-tional Travel Fair were discovered by reviewing previous literature. They are sponsor, visitor, participant, hall owner and relevant exhibition hall services, and assessing indi-cators, respectively. The assessing indicators were decided by 36 experts from academ-ics, government, and industries who were selected by Delphi method. After several in-terviews with these experts, there were 24 indicators concluded as the major indicators. The weight of the five domains and assessing indicators were calculated by analytic hi-erarchy process in the next step.
The results show that participant is the most important domain, followed by spon-sor. In the second layer of the evaluation index, "understanding new market trends" is the most essential factor and "climate comfortability" is the last one.
In conclusion, government and social groups can evaluate the effectiveness of the International Travel Fair by the results of this study as a reference