Growing popularity of the Internet, consumer’s habits change gradually. Today, many consumers buy daily supplies needed through the Internet, and many companies use network platform selling products. Therefore, web shopping has become today's consumers is very important way to shop.
Web shopping is different from the traditional way of shopping. Because Web shopping is the foundation built on top of the virtual environment, physical products are unavailable to see. Consumers can based on product pictures and product information is provided from shopping site only. There are many uncertainty and risks for consumers in web shopping. By the way, the web interface design and transaction security and privacy mechanisms will affect consumer satisfaction, thereby affecting their purchase intentions.
The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship among service quality, web interface design, transaction security and privacy, and customer satisfaction and purchasing intention after consumers buy beauty products through the Internet. This study obtained 158 valid questionnaires from on-line shopping consumers. Results show that service quality, web interface design, transaction security and privacy can directly affect customer satisfaction. Then, customer satisfaction can directly affect purchasing intention.