隨著電子商務產業的全球性快速成長,以電子商務平台為基礎的產品及服務不僅高度多樣化,市場價格競爭亦非常激烈。因此,電子商務平台供應商與供貨商之間的各項策略聯盟合作,是發展市場競爭力的重要途徑。而聯盟成員如何協議制定合理的營運成本與利潤分配模式,亦是實務上常見的策略聯盟成功關鍵議題。本研究以合作賽局理論(cooperative game theory)為基礎,建構電子商務平台供應商與供貨商的四種合作賽局模型,分別為兩個以上手機供貨商於兩個以上的電子商務平台進行供貨販售、單一服飾供貨商於兩個以上的電子商務平台進行供貨販售、兩個以上保健供貨商於單一電子商務平台進行供貨販售以及單一美妝供貨商於單一電子商務平台進行供貨販售的四個實際案例進行探討。同時結合品牌實際案例資料與夏普利值(Shapley value)分析,從聯盟成員貢獻度的觀點提出特定情境條件時之合作廠商利潤分配機制與推論方法。相較於傳統電子商務策略聯盟廠商合作時的個別議價方式,本研究所提出的合作賽局模型將有助於電子商務平台供應商拓展供貨商網絡與經營績效。
Along with globalization and the rapid growth of the E-commerce market, severe services and price competition among E-commerce providers have been a significant driving force calling for more strategic alliances and co-operations between platform providers and suppliers. For each strategic alliance, however, as the firms make different contributions to the co-operation, the sharing of operating cost and profit requires rationality to facilitating a stable cooperative relationship between strategic alliance team members. Based on the concept of the cooperative game theory, this paper proposes a contribution-based profit-sharing model using Shapley value analysis. Four game theoretic models of E-commerce alliances have been identified. With real data from featured smart phone sales, a case study is further used to describe how firms can use the proposed model to making decisions for a fair profit-sharing rule after cooperation, so that to enhance mutual trust, more possible alliances, and consequently better business performance.