本研究是利用立體聚酯織物為基材經無電極電鍍鎳/銅測試其電磁波吸收效果。因立體聚酯織物本身不具導電性,故本實驗需進行無電極電鍍,使立體聚酯織物表面具有金屬層,共分為三部分 : 第一部分為改變無電極鍍鎳/銅的時間及溫度觀察無電極電鍍後之鍍層成分分析,並以掃描式電子顯微鏡及X-光螢光分析儀進行測試。第二部分經無電極電鍍後電阻值分析,以阻抗測試儀進行表面電阻值及體積電阻值測試。第三部分為經無電極電鍍後電磁波吸收值效益之影響,以網路分析儀測試,分為單層及阻抗匹配的方式測試,探討不同加工條件之影響。由實驗結果得知 : 鍍鎳溫度70℃時,電鍍時間10分鐘時電磁波吸收值達26dB ; 鍍銅溫度50℃時,電鍍時間14分鐘時,電磁波吸收值達17dB。
This research utilizes the electronless nickel/coper plated method on the 3d polyester fabric composites to discuss the electromagnet wave absorption. The 3d polyester fabric composites is non-conductive material , so we use different condition to causes it has the electrical conductivity and the magnetic conductive material , such as temperature and time of the solution to increase the electromagnetic wave absorption. From this study ,we can understand the different temperature and time will affect the nickel/coper on the 3d polyester fabric surface composites and it will also influent the electromagnetic wave absorption. From the research, electromagnetic wave absorption value is 26dB when the electroless nickel plated temperature 70 ℃, electroless nickel plated time of 10 minutes;electromagnetic wave absorption value is 17 dB when the electroless coper plated temperature 50℃, electroless coper plated time of 14minutes.