摘要: | 本研究目的在探討不同性別中,依照個人下蹲跳能力所設計的50%、75%、100%、125%與150%的五個高台落下跳躍後下肢肌肉關節的影響。方法以男女性各15名籃球與排球運動員,流程分成三部分:一、測試每個人下蹲跳能力也當作活化後增益效果前測,再依照下蹲跳能力設計50%、75%、100%、125%與150%的五個高台強度。二、從五個高台落下後跳躍,每個高台跳躍5次。三、再施測下蹲跳來檢視活化後增益效果後測。所得資料以2×5two-way ANOVA (性別×五種高台) 考驗受試者跳躍高度、反應性力量指標、地面反作用力、下肢關節角度、下肢關節角速度、下肢關節功率、下之肌肉關節作功、下肢肌肉或化程度的差異以及活化後增益效果。結果發現,落下後的跳躍高度與反應性力量指標,男性顯著大於女性;著地時離心期髖關節功率,強度100%、125%與150%時,男性顯著大於女性;著地時離心期膝關節功率,男性顯著大於女性;著地時向心期膝關節與踝關節功率,男性顯著大於女性;著地前股四頭肌活化程度,男性顯著大於女性。著地前髖關節、膝關節與踝關節在強度上有顯著差異。著地時最大膝關節屈曲角度與角速度在強度上有差異。著地時離心期衝量在強度上有顯著差異。著地時離心期膝關節與踝關節作功在強度上有顯著差異。著地時離心期髖關節功率,男性受試者方面在強度上有顯著差異。著地時離心期膝關節功率,強度上有顯著差異。著地時離心期踝關節功率在強度上也有顯著差異。離心期股二頭肌活化程度,強度上有差異。利用依照個人化垂直跳能力所設計的高台,男女性在下肢關節生物力學參數差異較少,在強度的設定上以自身垂直跳能力的100%作為高台,可以避免傷害的造成。
The purpose of this research was to discuss the effect on the muscle joint of the lower limbs after drop jump from five high platforms of 50%, 75%, 100%, 125% and 150%, which was designed based on personal ability of counter movement jump .The method consists of 15 male and 15 female basketball or volleyball athletes and the process of the research were divided into three parts as the following: 1. To test the ability of counter movement jump of each participants, then based on their test result as for the post-activation potentiation (PAP), the heights of the high platforms (50%, 75%, 100%, 125% and 150%) were designed. 2. After jumping down from the high platforms then perform the jumping, the participants performed 5 times from each high platforms. 3. Then participates did the counter movement jump to exam PAP. All the data collected used 2×5two-way ANOVA (gender×platforms) to see the height of the jumping ability, the reactive strength index, ground reaction force, the joint angle of the lower limbs , the joint angle velocity of the lower limbs, the power of lower limbs joints, the work of lower limbs joints, the difference of the lower limbs muscles activation, and the PAP. The discovery from the result shows that male athletes have higher jumping height after falling and higher power index of reaction then female athletes. The eccentric period when landing, male has higher hip joint power than female in the intensity of 100%, 125% and 150%; the knee joint power of the eccentric period when landing, male athletes are much higher than the females. The intensity of knee joints and ankle joints during the concentric when landing, male athletes are much higher than female athletes; the quadriceps activation before landing, male athletes are much higher than female athletes. Before landing, there are significant differences on hip joints, knee joints and ankle joints. When landing, there is a significant difference on the intensity between the maximum knee joint angle and angular velocity. When landing, there is a significant difference during eccentric impulse. Also, when landing, there is also an significant difference on intensity within the eccentric period between the knee joints and the ankle joints. Male athletes have stronger intensity on the hip joint during the eccentric period when landing. There is a significant difference on the intensity on knee joint power when landing during the eccentric period and also on the ankle joints. Hamstring activation during eccentric period also performs the same result. By applying the high platforms designed according to personal vertical jumping ability to the taste, it reduces the difference of the performance on the lower limbs joints on biomechanics between male and female. When designing the high platform based on the 100% vertical jumping
ability intensity, it prevents injury from happening. |