This research discussed about female post-traumatic growth and recovery experience after sexual abuse. Moreover, it investigated how the challenges and battles the victims should face in order to escape from the fatalism of the abuse. The methodology of this qualitative research was to interview female adults who had experience of being abused in their childhood about their recovery and seeking help process. Based on the victims’ point of view about the process, the researcher tried to find out the disadvantages of the public welfare system. Through the reflection of the public welfare system, this study aimed to explore the improvement of welfare policies as well as how the welfare institutions should respond to victims’ needs and problems.
By using narrative research methodology, this research was divided into three main research questions: (1) Demand side: How the service meets the victims’ needs? (2) Service side: Is there any fault phenomenon about the service from children, teenagers, to female adults? (3) The policy side: Is there any restriction for victims to live independently according to the welfare policy? Purposive sampling approach was applied to this study. Two participants took part in the study. The interview process followed the narrative pace of describing their life experience, and the researcher interpreted all the qualitative data. All the interview content included (1) Personal: self, interpersonal effects of trauma on individuals. (2) Service: explore positive and negative effects on victims seeking help experience. (3) Policy: how the welfare fault phenomenon from children, teenagers, to female adults became the restriction of their independent living.
The research found that good family relationship, or frustrated intimacy may result in victims’ low self- confidence, interpersonal trust and security. However, child sexual abuse may show a long-term serious problem of shortage of social resources. For instance, victims may not be able to find the employment. As consequence, it may impede them to live independently. This research may contribute to the future substantive work on the improvement of children and women's welfare services and policy.