The modern adolescents are often impacted by trendy fast-pace thinking and cultural clash, and the desire of following fashion footstep. Many adolescents use dance as a way of expressing one's individualism: style, strength, thoughts, values, and ways of doing, performers' strict body and conditioning requirement, also within the academy's standard curriculum it requires the participants to maintain certain physical conditioning as the preparation for an ideal performance when called upon. Hence, the students create a high level of self-awareness in managing one's own physical development. Purpose: discuss current different dance specialties in high schools of Taiwan in body grouping and difference in physical endurance. Methods: dance category in trendy street dance and musical performances. Each group has 22 female junior students of Hwa-Kang Arts School as study subjects using bio-electrical analysis conducting physical testings with Specific Fitness tests (Body composition, cardiopulmonary endurance, strength and muscular endurance, flexibility, power and balance); collected data will be used as independent sample setting at .05 as the standard examining; trendy street dance and show dance in body composition with one physical capability category in appearant average difference. Conclusion: musical performances under the physical study of strength and muscular endurance (one minute of sit-ups) surpasses trendy street dance and Can improve the physical fitness of the results through the expertise of dance training, should be encouraged general of the students' learning.