Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? is a science fiction novel first published in 1968, by an American writer, Philip K. Dick, also well known as the primary basis for the movie Blade Runner. The novel has consistently questioned the manifestations of humanity through the struggle and confusion when both Rick Deckard, a Bounty hunter accomplishing his mission to hunt down escaped androids and John Isidore, an lonesome outcast lives far away from the crowd getting along with androids and the conclusion they make to realize what is the true nature of life. This thesis will examine the reliability of “empathy” —an idea considered to be a most important factor of human identity from ideas and examples given in the story to distinguish between human and non-human. The first chapter introduces the author, the novel, and the existential questions posed by the novel regarding the relationship between man and machine as well as the increasingly unstable human identity, which depends on the problematic criterion of empathy. The second chapter will examine the definition of empathy in order to find out the role it plays in the novel, to analyze how is it used to distinguish humans and androids, whether it can be used as a standard without doubt, and problems that destabilize its validity as can be found in the novel. In light of the problems of empathy reflected in the second chapter, the third chapter will focus on how Philip Dick redefines the meanings of and the boundary between humans and androids. Based on Dick’s own reflections on humanity and the so-called “androidization”—a dehumanized process that can happen to anyone, the chapter will analyze the blurring of human-android distinction in the novel. In conclusion, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? makes us go beyond the boundaries of human and non-human, and obtain new cognitions of life.