研究顯示,非營利組織在兩岸各項交流中,占有極具意義性與重要性的角色,在兩岸國家關係具有爭議性、我國國家主權於國際上多數不被承認、外交嚴峻的國家發展情勢等多項問題下,兩岸議題與關係處理是我國現階段急需處理的事件,然而在政府單位無法突破兩岸關係的現在,非營利組織透過自身第三部門的優勢,自文化、學術、經貿、藝術等多方面與中國積極進行交流,近年來兩岸透過各級交流確實拉近兩岸各界的關係,也使兩岸關係在非營利組織中ˋ 一塊上大有進展與改進,依現況來看未來非營利組織在兩岸交流上重要性會逐漸增加,因此透過本研究及兩岸重要非營利組織、各界重要人士訪談,勾勒出非營利組織進行兩岸交流各項作法,也探討出非營利組織面臨兩岸交流未來的困境與展望。
Studies have shown that non-profit organizations in the cross-strait exchanges, occupies great significance and importance of the role in the controversial cross-strait relations, China's national sovereignty is not recognized in most international diplomatic grim situation of national development, etc. under a number of issues, cross-strait relations issues and events of this stage of the deal is in urgent need of treatment, however, government agencies can not break the cross-strait relations is now, through the advantages of their own non-profit organizations of the third sector from cultural, academic, trade, arts and other China has actively carried out exchanges with respect, in recent years, cross-strait relations through closer cross-strait exchanges at all levels indeed all sectors, but also made great strides and improvement of cross-strait relations in a non-profit organization on the status of view according to future cross-strait exchanges on non-profit organizations importance will gradually increase, so the two sides through this important research and non-profit organizations, interviews with important people from various circles, and sketched out the practice of cross-strait exchanges nonprofit organizations, non-profit organizations also explored the dilemma facing the future of cross-strait exchanges and Prospect.