大眾傳播研究領域中,說服性媒體內容影響態度改變效果是重要的課題之一,研究發現,態度改變的短期和長期效果有很大的不同,一般說來,傳播的效果會因為時間而遞減,通常最大的態度改變效果會在說服傳播之後立即產生,再來就漸漸地回復到原先的狀態,但也有延遲態度改變的情形發生,例如睡眠者效果。而國內較缺乏產生睡眠者效果相關條件的研究。本研究試圖探討說服訊息處理型式與折扣線索,對於受測者立即與長期態度改變的影響。本實驗採取2 × 2(理性思考程度高低 × 折扣線索有無)因素設計,檢驗實驗操弄的品牌碳酸飲料宣傳訊息以及健康訊息的折扣線索,對於受測大學生的說服效果。結果顯示,實驗操弄交互作用對於受測者的延遲態度改變具有緣際效果,最後並提出實務上的建議。
Attitude change affected by persuasive media content is one of the most important topics in the field of media effect research. Studies found that short term and long term effects are different. In ordinary, persuasion effects will decrease over time, which may be found immediately then attitude returns to the base line. However, sometimes delayed attitude changes could be observed by some research, such as sleeper effect. Less local study focuses on related stipulations of the possible influence of sleeper effect. The present study attempts to investigate the effects of information processing styles and discounting cues on participants' immediate and delayed attitude changes. A 2 (high/low rationality) × 2 (with/without discounting cue) factorial design was employed to examine the extent to which the persuasiveness of a name brand soft drink's campaign messages and health promotion messages as discounting cues have effects on college students. Results revealed interactive marginal effects between factors on attitude changes over time. Practical applications were suggested.