摘要: | 根據內政部消防署之統計資料得知,過去12 年內國內各類型火災案件中,建築類 火災發生次數最多,其中又以1~5 層樓住宅類建築物發生火災比率最高。再由行政院經 濟建設委員會統計資料得知,1~5 層樓住宅類建築物佔所有住宅類建築物之81.04%, 若以3.38 人/戶加以估算,約有二千萬民眾居住於該類建築物中。由於相關法令不夠周 延、民眾防火安全觀念不足及該類型建築物特有之建築形式與火災特性;導致當發生火 災時,常造成極為嚴重之人命傷亡與財物損失,不僅民眾感到不安,政府也承受極大壓 力。如何降低火災危害程度,即為政府與民眾必須嚴肅面對之課題。 藉由本計畫先期文獻回顧及調查分析得知,火災發生時阻擋民眾逃生避難及妨礙消 防人員救援之鐵窗普遍存在於1~5 層樓住宅類建築物外牆開口部。本研究將以新的思維 並以現況調查、電腦模擬軟體、火災工學計算以及實體火災試驗等方法,建構「節能型 外遮陽系統」藉以取代傳統鐵窗。使該建築物於平時可維持節能、防盜、通風及採光之 「使用機能」;而於火災發生時可達到防止火勢蔓延之「安全功能」。更期望本計畫之研 究成果能分別提供政府與民眾,作為「訂定性能設計規範」及「提升住宅防火等級」之 參考。
In the past 12 years, according to the statistical data of National Fire Agency, Ministry Of The Interior, the building fire was the most in all kinds of domestic fire cases. The rate of the five-floor apartment among them was the highest. And then according to the statistical data from Council for Economic Planning And Development, the percentage about the five-floor apartment of all house-building is 81.04%. And there are about twenty million people live in this kind of building, estimated by 3.38 people of one family. Due to the safety related rules and the thoughts of fire-preventing of people are not enough, the style of the apartment and the fire characters are special also, it causes human injured and property loss when it is got fire. Not only people feel unsafe, the government also bears the great pressure. Therefore, this is a serious issue to face for people and government, how to reduce the fire take place and how to reduce the fire damage. By the documents review and previous survey and analysis of this study, the barred window is designed on the outer wall of the five-floor apartment generally, it hinders rescue from the fire fighters and prevents people fleeing when the fire takes place. This study is going to use those methods of new visions, present situation surveying, computer simulation software, fire engineering calculating, and full scale real house fire experiments, to build a “energy-conservation sunshade system” to replace traditional barred window. The building can keep the “using function” of energy-conservation, against theft, ventilation and lighting on usual, also the “safe function” of preventing fire spreading on fire happened. Looking forward of the result of this study can offer government and people to be references, to stipulate performance design rules and to improve fireproof level on house-building. |