實驗所使用前處理是以硫酸鹽蒸煮法,先以NaOH及Na2S以硫化度25%,活性鹼20%配置蒸煮液,再取芒草粉及芒草片以三種不同固液比蒸煮,至於高溫爐中以150-165° C 蒸煮 3小時,將芒草中木質素脫去藉以分解出纖維素及半纖維素,破壞高分子結構形成小單位纖維素及木質素鏈結。
Bio-ethanol can prepare by decomposing starch or cellulose into glucose units ingredients then fermented to produce bio-ethanol . The experiment is miscanthus as ethanol material, due to the nature of matter Wo miscanthus as lignin and cellulose with a lot of living to do the quality of the base alcohol , and a lot of other fast-growing , as the material for ethanol production is excellent choise.
Kraft pretreatment cooking method is used in this experiment . First , NaOH and Na2S 25% sulfidity , 20% active alkalinity to configure the cooking liquid , then take miscanthus powder and pieces to liquid three different ratio of adding cooking liquid cooked to 150-165 ℃ for 3 hours, cellulose and lignin cooking Miscanthus decomposition, destruction of the polymer structure of cellulose and lignin formation of small units link .
Added fiber and fiber hydrolysing enzyme saccharification enzymes , placed in a constant temperature water bath to 40 °C for 72 hours saccharification reaction of glucose every 24 hours to measure its sugar content and record the change , and finally the yeast was added an aqueous solution of the fermentation reaction , turn into bio-ethanol . Brix measurements of changes in saccharification reaction , and measuring the ratio of the aqueous solution of glucose sugar content . Finally, measuring the biomass produced by the fermentation of alcohol and the resultant ratio.