摘要: | 本研究主要探討2013年亞洲男子籃球錦標賽(2013 FIBA ASIA CHAMPIONSHIP FOR MEN)攻守紀錄對於亞錦賽成績的影響。研究對象為亞洲男子籃球錦標賽前四名隊伍(伊朗、菲律賓、韓國及中華台北)初賽、複賽及決賽總共36場比賽的攻守統計數據為研究範圍。以描述性統計:計算十八項攻守紀錄之平均數、標準差,且以One-way ANOVA 考驗2013年亞洲男子籃球錦標賽,五大類比賽攻守數據的差異情形,並使用薛費法(Scheffe’s)進行事後比較。結果顯示投籃技術兩分中籃與兩分投籃有顯著性差異;得分技術總投籃命中率與兩分命中率有顯著差異;非得分技術失誤有顯著性差異;防守技術與得分無顯著差異。投籃技術較佳和得分技術較佳的球隊較能為球隊獲得更多且穩定的分數幫助贏得比賽。非得分技術中進攻籃板較佳且失誤次數越少較能贏得比賽,此兩非得分技術是中華台北隊急需修正的地方以利於爭取到更好的成績。防守技術較佳且穩定性較高的球隊較能贏得比賽。從投籃技術與得分技術兩項與得分的關聯性可發現得分較高球隊較能贏得比賽。
This research project was to analyze the overall performance, including offensive and defensive in-game statistics, of the top 4 teams (Team Iran, Philippines, Korea, and Chinese Taipei) of the 2013 Men’s Asia Basketball Championship Tournament. The study collected the 18 different categories of the in-game statistics within the total of 36 competitions that each team produced throughout the Tournament, and preceded with examinations; these in-game performances mentioned above were categorized into 5 major categories, and then were analyzed by the method of “One-way ANOVA”, and later used the Scheffe’s approach to precede cross-examinations and comparisons. The research showed that in Shooting-related skills, “2-point-field-goal-attempt and 2-point-field-goal-made” comparison presented significant difference; in the scoring-related skills, “the overall shooting percentage” was very different from “the 2-point-field-goal-percentage”; regarding the non-scoring-related skills, the Chinese Taipei Team had the most significant difference in the “Turnover” category comparing with other 3 teams; mean while, the defensive skills had no noticeable correlation to total points scored. In addition, the study showed that among these 4 teams in Non-scoring-related skills, the team that has better performance on “Offensive Rebounding” and fewer on “Turnover” had the advantage of winning the competition. These two categories that mentioned above were the key factors for Chinese Taipei team to improve in order to achieve better results. Furthermore, the team that had the better performance on “Defensive skills had better chance to win the competition. Lastly, the study showed that the team that had better performance on the “shooting-related skills” and “scoring-related skills” had the advantage on the “total points scored” category, and hence, had better chance to win the competition. |