摘要: | 揚琴由明末清初傳入中國沿海一帶,當時稱為「瑤琴」、「洋琴」、「打琴」、「蝴蝶琴」等。經過長時間的演變,揚琴無論是在音位的排列、琴體結構、擊弦工具或在音域、音量、音色上都有了很大的改進。
Yangqin was brought to coast of China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which was known as "Yao-Qin," "Yangqin," "Da-Qin", "butterfly Yangqin," etc. After a long period of evolution, the scale pattern, body structure, the hammer as well as the range, volume, and timbre of sound have been improved.
Through the analysis of three pieces, Spring Greenwood, Storm Petrel, and Spring, I will discuss the evolution of different types of Chinese yangqin to grasp the development and structures of yangqin in different eras. Also, this study will focus on three different types of yangqin, “Traditional small-sized yangqin,” “Type 81 yangqin,” and “Type 402 yangqin” because of these three pieces. |