摘要: | 隨著大台北地區人口增加房價也跟著飆漲,民眾購屋困難,政府及建商相繼於市郊推動新市鎮計畫,提供大量的住宅單元,以滿足人民最基本居住需求。這類型的住宅大多屬於街廓式的大型集合住宅,或是由多塊基地圍繞而成的街廓集合住宅,通常居住人口眾多且族群多元。如何進行有效率且節能節人的管理成為重要的課題。
As the population increase in the greater Taipei area, the real estate prices shoots sky high, causing difficulty for buying an apartment, the government as well as real estate developers have developed a new town programme in suburbs, and provided a large number of residential units, so as to meet the essential inhabitancy requirement for people. Most of such kind dwellings belong to the large-scale amalgamated dwellings in block-type, or block-type amalgamated dwellings surrounded by several bases, whose characteristic is large population living and ethnic diversity. Therefore, how to achieve a efficient, energy-saving and manpower saving management mode that becomes an important topic.
Building operation and management plays a key role during its life cycle, and over the years, our country’s building property management focused on access control security, cleaning and maintenance as well as equipment operation management, with most of its management objects being buildings within a single base. As for neighboring building bases within new towns or redistricting areas, because they together have large public spaces, we need introduce the superblock-type cluster management concept, to maintain the feature of new town development. Moreover, the cluster management mode also could save manpower allocation, and improve the overall residential quarter security. On that account, this Study takes amalgamated dwelling base development in new town area as its study object, through empirical research method to make interview investigation on separate building, and record the base’s management mode, manpower allocation, appropriation expenditure and other data one by one, for the comparison analysis of block-type cluster management.
The results indicated that, the block-type cluster management mode not only could significantly reduce labor costs, but attract attentions on various kinds of public space maintenances as the extending management scope, which, thereby substantially upgrades dwelling quality, and create superblock-type amalgamated dwelling’s environmental value. |