摘要: | 台灣核能爭議已近半世紀之久,核四爭議也有近三、四十年的歷史,經過政府官方、民眾與利益團體無數次的協商與討論後,至今仍未有完整且公正的解決方案。隨著科技、工業化的發展,生存於風險社會中的民眾對於生態環境永續發展意識漸強,面對核能專業知識的認識,大多數的民眾僅能以大眾媒介作為取得資訊的主要管道,也因此媒體在重大環境議題資訊提供上所扮演的角色相當重要。
一則議題從興起至消失,會經歷幾個可供指認的階段,稱為議題變動的「生命週期(life cycle)」(臧國仁,1999)。同時,我們也瞭解新聞媒體在報導論述時,擁有一套「框架」運作,利用不同的「媒體包裹」詮釋事件(Gamson & Modigliani, 1989)。而一則新聞議題隨著議題生命週期的改變,所採取的「媒體包裹」也會不同。
Nuclear energy issues have existed in Taiwan for nearly half a century, and Taiwan's 4th nuclear power plant issues have been in heated discussions for the last 30 to 40 years; yet, the governing party still has not offered an appropriate and justified policy to deal with this ongoing problem. With the advancement of technology and industrial growth, individuals living in this high-risk society have sustainably became conscious about the importance of natural ecological environment. However, due to the specialized and advanced knowledge of nuclear science and technology, most individuals are dependent to receive such information solely through the channels of mass media, which means the role the medias play in association to environmental news is consequential.
For an issue or topic to emerge then dissolve, it will go through a series of recognizable stages called “life cycle”; and we have known that media reports are presented within specified frames, which use different ”media packages” to interpret the presentations of facts and/or opinions. Hence, different media packages are applied during different stages of an event’s life cycle.
This current study attempts to examine how the mass media represented the anti-nuclear movement in Taiwan on March 9, 2013, by examining news coverage on the nuclear news from Taiwan’s four major newspapers: Liberty Times, China Times, Apple Daily, United Daily News. This research answers the following questions with content analysis and textual analysis: During the event’s life cycle, how did the different newspapers frame their news, did they present them using the same frame or not? Were their packages’ decision-makings influenced by cultural, political factors or something greater?
According to the analysis results, at the event’s preparatory-stage and posterior-stage, the four newspapers have utilized “political discourse” and “referendum discourse” as the major packages, which have focused on the presentation of diversified arguments about nuclear disputes made between political parties. At the event’s initial-stage, “civic movement” is the major media package chosen by the four newspapers. Although these four newspapers have taken up the same media packages during the event’s life cycle, difference results still emanate in the news’ content discourse, style, and metaphors arrangements. |