摘要: | 土地使用之改變是人類在土地上活動的表徵,在不同的時期所呈現的土地空間形態也不盡相同,而相對隨著都市發展時間序列有不同的地價水準,依土地使用類別與強度不同,則使地價之漲幅與都市形態互相影響,所以地價可以說是人類活動在空間分佈上最佳的衡量依據。隨著經濟成長、重大建設投資與都市人口急速增加,使西屯區地景樣貌快速地改變與破碎化現象,且造成地價快速攀升。然過往文獻探討影響地價之研究多著重於總體環境因素、區域因素、個體因素等,探討層面較為單一,無法在空間面向上反應地景變遷與地價變動之間的關係。爰此,本研究嘗試由地景生態學中之地景指數角度切入,並以台中市西屯區為案例,選取1995年、2005年、2011年之公告現值與土地使用現況,結合地理資訊系統與FRAGSTATS,進行地景指數運算,並從空間面向上探討台中西屯區土地使用型態改變與地價變動,以了解台中市西屯區16年之間的土地使用型態變遷與地價變動之關聯性,有助於規劃單位了解土地使用的配置情況與預測空間規劃的成效。
Changes in use of land is a characteristic of human activities on the land, the forms of land space are different in different periods of time. Based on the time series, the urban development has different land price levels depending on the use of types and levels of intensitythat make land and urban landscape morphology influence each other. As a consequence, land can be seen as the best measurement of the spatial distribution of human activities. Accompany with rapid economic development, major construction programs and population growth, Xitun District faces rapid changes in landscape apprearance and fragmentation phenomenon that results in fast rising land prices. However, previous researches and literatures tend to emphasize the overall environmental factors, regional factors and individual factors separately, which is unable to reveil the relationship between landscape changes and land prices varies in the spatial dimension. As a result, this study attempts to apply landscape indenx of landscape ecologyto Xitun District, Taichung Cityand adopt 1995, 2005, 2011 Current Land Value and Current Land-Use Status, in combination with geographic information systems and FRAGSTATS software, to conduct landscape index calculation. Moreover, it intends to explore the changes of land-use patterns and market prices from spatial dimension in Xitun District, Taichung in order to understand the relevance of changes in land forms and market prices during past 16 years in Xitun District. It wishes to help planning sectors to understand the allocation of lands and predict the results of spatial planning.
The results show that, according to the Current Land-Use Sratus and Land-Price Spatial Distribution mapping in 1995, 2005 and 2011, agricultural lands are decreasing in Xitun District every year due to major construction progrmes, urban land consolidation and influential business zones, and lands are transformed into hosuing, business and industrial usages that, in combination with previously mentioned factors, pushes land prices up. By employing the method of multiple regression, this research confirms the relevance amongst influential factors of land price, landscape metrics and land prices. One significant influential factor of land price in Xitun District is urban land consolidation which makes the originally disordered and irregular lands be replanned, increases housing and business usages and public facilities, and enhances the usage values and economic benefits, that results in changes in land-use patterns and landscape. |