清初的滿文詞彙,以往的解釋甚多,語意卻並不清楚。本論文藉文本分析法與歷時語言學概念,期望將「覺羅gioro」、「三仙女恩古倫 enggulen、正古倫 jenggulen、佛庫倫 fekulen」、「滿洲manju」、「大清daicing」等《舊滿洲檔》中四組滿文滿文詞彙,做出較清晰的解釋,以便參考。
Previously, there are many interpretations about the Manchu vocabularies of early Qing Dynesty, but it is not clear in semantics. In this paper, we tried to explaine four important Manchu vocabularies appeared in "Manchuria old file " more clearly by using the methods from textual analysis and diachronic linguistics. The four word groups are: "Daicing", "Gioro", "Manju", and "Three fairies: Enggulen, Jenggulen, Fekulen" etc. We suggest a model contains elements in semateme and linguistics, and expect to apply more informative references for future historical research.