本研究計畫從再現與實踐的角度切入,探討(全球)暖化/氣候變遷對水資源所帶來的相關風險問題如 何被媒體場域及公眾場域再現,而這些關於水資源風險的再現又是如何扣連到公眾日常生活中的用 水實踐活動。研究者主要的觀點採取文化分析角度來探討暖化/氣候變遷影響下的水資源風險及永續 消費的問題,研究者探問的重點包括了對於水資源風險的認知、價值判斷、詮釋角度及意識型態等 層面是如何架構及影響水資源的永續消費實踐活動,在媒體的場域及公眾場域對水資源風險的問題 觀點及詮釋有甚麼樣的差異。研究者採取語料庫分析法、深度訪談法,搭配日常生活用水紀錄及專 家訪問等多重研究設計法進行資料蒐集及分析,並且從文化的角度切入,考察在暖化/氣候變遷影響 下的水資源風險問題如何被建構,以及風險觀點如何影響公眾實踐。研究同時也預計將成果結合相 關的風險傳播教育課程及具體的媒體深度專題報導,並且計畫在公民新聞場域中進行傳播。 Base on representation and practice theories, this research project explores water resources related risk (crisis) caused by global warming/climate change on, how this risk is represented on media and the public’s filed, and how this representation of water risk is articulated to the public’s everyday water consumption practice. The researcher focuses various cultural dimensions to analyze sustainable water consumption under the risk of global warming/climate change. The researcher asks: how the public’s sustainable water consumption is influenced by their recognition, value judgment, interpretation, and ideologies of water resources, and what are the differences between media field and the public’s filed in relation to the representation, perspective, and interpretation of water crisis. By using multiple methods including corpus method, in-depth interview, expert interview, and daily diary of water usage, this project investigates how water risk is constructed by media and the public via their everyday discourse and how their cognitive perspective on water resources risk link to their everyday water consumption practice. The project also aims to integrate related risk communication education in teaching courses and producing in-depth reports which will be released on citizen journalism websites.