”Xian Yi Bian” represents the Za Zu classical short story in Ming Dynasty and it also manifests Liu Yuan-Qing's literature achievement. ”Ying Xie Lu”, an extract from it, verifies Liu Yuan-Qing's contribution to fable creation. As to the style of ”Xian Yi Bian”, it can be divided into 16 categories according to the content, and there is an appendix of ”Xian Cho” at the end of the book. As to its keynote, it annotates the concept of ”Xian” (賢) from different angle for the purpose of attracting the readers and guiding them to follow the examples. Therefore, though the thought of Liu Yuan-Qing deeply rooted in Wang Yang Ming's Doctrine, the contents of ”Xian Yi Bian” are arranged in accordance with the sequence of Confucianism and the book also includes stories about general knowledge, Buddhism, Taoism and mystery as well as textual research, which expands its influence on the level of plebeian and achieves its pedagogic ideal. All in all, although the present study puts emphasis on discussing the historical position of ”Xian Yi Bian” in Ming novel as well as Liu Yuan-Qing's literature achievement, it also aims at exploring the argument and pedagogy that reflect in this book. We hope to provide ”Xian Yi Bian” with a fair historical evaluation.