In Chili's ”Butanaiqing”, it includes three medium-lengthed novels, ”Yiquyongbuhui, Butanaiqing”, and ”Fannaorensheng”. These three novels can be read separately, each independent and unique, and can be read synthetically, representing an organic life of three stages from the periods of the love time, to the newly-married adjustment, and then to the mothering time. The male or the female protagonists in the three novels, though suffer various challenges or depressions, can finally free themselves from the intriguing life. However, the male characters tend to act as the passive good-for-nothing; contrastively, the female characters appear to be quite aggressive or dynamic. It therefore can be suggested that Chili, the author, as a female writer, shows her deep sympathy and empathy toward her female protagonists by her female concerns which reflect her psychological attitudes and expectation.