摘要: | 人類因婚姻而產生了各種血親姻親關係,唯婚姻有正負二向之規範。負面之規範乃為人類所共有的、對亂倫的禁忌。本文即先從靈長類學、人類學暨遺傳學的觀點來討論此一議題,及與之相關的內婚、外婚、近親繁殖之避免等項問題。接下來作者討論了商人的婚姻制度,含其婚姻觀、「母系同生不婚」原則、「一夫:一/多妻」模式及因而產生的「馬來亞(行輩)型」親稱,及其後因異姓通婚,親稱向准及典型的、易洛魁式「二分合併型」演化。作者且析論了周人行「同姓不婚」又行「娣姪媵」,親稱演為「奧麻哈型」之進程中,與商制之牽連。
This is a study on the Shang people's marriage regulations, the resultant kinship forms, and an investigation on the related systems before and after the Shang Dynasty. The author finds that during the early and middle Shang periods, the double descent Shang people were divided into moieties and performed sister exchange or bilateral cross-cousin marriage under the matrilineal mode with prohibition of marrying siblings from the same (classificatory) mother, and thus resulted in a kinship structure of Malayan Type alias Generation Type. However, the Shang ruling class gradually married outside of the moieties under the patrilineal mode, as the Shang people became more powerful. And by the late Shang period, because of the introduction of the kin term gu姑, one that used by a female to address her mother-in-law, the Shang kinship structure changed into quasi Iroquois Type alias Bifurcate Merging Type. The Chou people succeeded the Shang people as the ruling class of China; they did not divide themselves into moieties. They performed cross-cousin marriages outside of their own people under the rule of patrilineal descent, and thus their kinship appeared to be of a regular Iroquois Type. But later the Chou people had added an extra spouse, i.e., wife's brother's daughter into their marriages, thus turned their kinship into Omaha Type, and thereby coined a skewing kin term zhi(姪), which was the lineal-equation of the Shang kin term di (弟/娣). The author's findings have certain similarities with the studies of Lewis H. Morgan's theories on kinship evolution, especially, on the Malayan Type followed by Turanian Type. Nevertheless, the author did not find the so called ”group marriage” as postulated by Morgan as accompanying the above mentioned Shang and Chou marriage and kinship systems. The author also made several observations on the bride robbery custom and on the issues of incest taboo and inbreeding avoidance before the Shang Dynasty. |