摘要: | 電子文獻方便快速,利於檢索,使用上是一種趨勢。文獻資料浩若煙海,內容因有意或無意的改動、脫略或錯誤,如編纂取捨、避諱替字的有意改動;傳抄錯漏,手民誤植等無意的脫略或錯誤。電子文獻也有以上類似的情形,復有電腦輸入與排版的錯誤,因而電子文獻使用者應慎重處理,留心核對紙本資料,細加考辨,避免謬訛產生。本文就電子文獻全文檢索資料庫優缺點、電子文獻全文檢索資料庫的注意事項加以探討,並就中央研究院漢籍電子文獻簡介及其資料庫所收的《文心雕龍》問題舉隅,如書目資料、本文、標點問題、誤本文為注、落字問題、錯別字問題等面向加以探究,中央研究院自稱是「資料整理最嚴謹的中文全文資料庫」,而誤謬之處不可謂不少,本文提出對於電子文獻全文檢索資料庫的建議,就命名問題、全文及注釋問題、版本問題、應提供版本相關資料、輸入的正確性、檢索平台必須便捷省時、異體字問題、電子書的發展、資料庫建立成員組成問題、預測與反饋等方面提出建言,期能對於電子文獻資料庫的建立有正向的激發作用。電子文獻資料庫的謬誤難免,研究者在使用上須保持警覺,費心思索,熟稔文獻資料的得失,多與紙本原書核對比較,取其優點,避其缺失,減少謬誤發生,不為電子文獻資料庫所誤,方可稱為善用者,而使電子文獻資料庫成為研究上的輔助。
The use of electronic documents has become a trend due to the rapid and convenient search functions it provides. In the tremendous amount of literature, contents might be intentionally or unintentionally changed, unrestrained or simply wrong. For example, alternative characters might be intentionally used to avoid certain characters. And parts might be unintentionally left out or wrong when documents are hand copied or printed. Similar situations might appear in electronic documents, such as input and typesetting errors. Therefore, users should be careful to compare the electronic document with paper document for verification and avoid errors. This study explores the strengths and weaknesses of electronic full-text databases, and discusses matters requiring attention in their use. Scripta Sinica is introduced and issues with its ”Wen Xin Diao Lung” are described, such as issues with catalog data, text and punctuation marks, mistaking text as annotation, and wrongly written characters. Academia Sinica claims that Scripta Sinica is the ”most exact Chinese full-text database,” but the number of errors cannot be referred to as few. This study proposes recommendations for various issues of electronic full-text databases, including naming, full-text and annotation, version, version related data that should be provided, correctness of input, functional requirements of the search platform, character variations, e-books, database development team members, predictions, and feedback, hoping to create a positive effect and inspire the establishment electronic full-text databases. Errors are inevitable in electronic full-text databases, hence researchers must remain aware when using the databases, carefully consider its contents, be familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each document, and compare the electronic version with paper version, so as to utilize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses. This is the only way to reduce the number of errors produced from using electronic full-text databases. Only then can the researcher be called a good user who can use the database to benefit his/her research. |