摘要: | 劉勰著述《文心雕龍》以儒經為思想根柢,舉凡文學本源、文體濫觴、創作批評,莫不以宗本五經為核心思想。茲以《禮記》為主要範疇,藉以研析《文心雕龍》的宗經思想,不僅足以明瞭劉勰受禮學影響,引發其著書動機,及薰染援引深廣,對劉勰之學術養成、思想著述均有根深柢固的影響;並爰據以探賾其宗經思想的時代根源、目的內涵、致用價值,及獨具的特識與貢獻,歸結出劉勰宗經思想在符契經學發展、鋪展倫理美學、通經以利致用、稟經製式以矯文弊、酌古創新文業的五項意義。
When Liu Xie wrote Wenxin Diaolong, the Confucianism was the root of his thoughts. Furthermore, when it comes to the literal origin, the fountainhead of his writing style, as well as his critique on literal creations, the five Classics of Confucianism occupied as the core of his philosophy. In that case, the Book of Rites is herein the major scope of this research to study and analyze the Confucianistic thoughts obtained in Liu's Wenxin Diaolong. The purpose, on the other hand, is to prove the fact that Liu was deeply and firmly influenced by studies of rites that triggered his motives for writing, while such thoughts affected his writing style. Additionally, in the research, Liu's Confucianistic thoughts would be adopted as the basis for discussions on his time backgrounds, purposes, contents, applicable values, as well as his unique understanding and contributions. In the end, such discussions will turn to conclude the meanings for Liu's thoughts to match the developments of Chinese classics, to assist in expanding aesthetics of ethics, to imply and apply these classic works, to follow correct and formal writing styles, as well as to create new writing forms concerning the old. |