摘要: | 周敦頤《太極圖說》:「太極動而生陽,動極而靜,靜而生陰,靜極復動。一動一靜,互為其根。」故太極因動靜而分陰分陽,陰陽兩儀由此產生。但王夫之不認同由動靜生陰陽,因其以氣為本之「氣一元論」,故太虛之實氣中本具陰陽二體,絪縕渾淪和合而不相悖離,故又稱為「太和真體」。而陰陽並建乃太虛實氣所必有之幾,藉陰陽二體相反相仇、和而解的動靜聚散不測之神,貫通形上下與存在有無之間。故王夫之認為陰陽二氣非形下氣之形質,而是「未有形器之先,本無不和;既有形器之後,其和不失」的「是一非二」真實存有之氣。
Wang Fu-jr disagrees with Jou Dun-yi’s statement in An Explanation of Tay-jyi-twu [Tay-jyi design]: "When an ultimate entity moves, yang [something positive] will be generated.When the motion comes to an end, the state of motionlessness will ensue. Then, in [something negative] will be present. The state of motionlessness will persist, and will incur motion ultimately. Motion is the orgin of motionlessness, and motionlessness is the origin of motion; motion and motionlessness distinguish in from yang. Liang-yi [the two fundamentals of in and yang] are generated in this way." Wang Fu-jr believes that chih generates everything in the universe and that in and yang are the two original fundamentals of any everlasting chih in any extremely minute entity. He is convinced that the two fundamentals are indistinguishably and pervasively merged into an extremely harmonious entity, a so-called Tay-her-jen-tii, with no conflict existing between them. The state of the coexistence of in and yang is a necessary sign in the case of any extremely minute entity. Through the different operation of in and yang, which contradict each other, and through the unpredictable potential on the part of in and yang-in motion, motionlessness, meeting, and parting-in the course of their harmonious blending, the everlasting chih in any extremely minute entity pervades the entity, visible or invisible, and links the metaphysical side to the physical side. Hence, Wang Fu-jr believes that either of the two chihs-in and yang, is not substantially independent; "Before the existence of any entity, there is no such thing as blending; when any entity exists, harmonious blending is inherent in any everlasting chih in the entity." In other words, Wang Fu-jr holds that in and yang are not two separate chihs but that in and yang constitute one eternal chih. |