To make use of the waste land may be one of the best solutions to release the pressure on the increasing population. Mountainous area takes about 53.04% of the total area of Miaoli Hsien which covers a surface of 965.495 Km^2. Most of the slopes have not yet been well utilized.
The purpose of this study is to find out a suitable plan which may put this piece of land under a proper disposition.
To utilize all means, such as geographical data, statistics, maps, aerial photographies and remote sensing .pictures for this analysis is. necessary, in order to present a more ye liable proposal which may have some practical values when the programme is carried out.
A perspective view in this mountainous section: has been made under a careful survey at different altitudes such as San-Chiao Shan (560m) Huo-Yen Shan (602m), Kua-tao Shan (889m), Hsiang-Tien-Hu (1120m) Tigar Shan (1492m), Chin-Wei Shan (1841m), Tung-Hsi-Shui Shan (2462m) and Ta-Pa-Chien Shan (3505m) etc.
This paper more or less slightly emphasizes on physical geographical conditions (such as landforms, climate of Mts, hydrography, soils of Mts.) and agriculture rather than other human geographical factors.
In conclusion' it is found out that the work against natural devastation to keep on soil conservation may profit the land. The observations on meteorological and hydrological elements must be constantly maintained so that the loss of natural calamities can thus be reduced to a minimized amount.