The valley of Tamsui Ho lies in the northern part of the island of Taiwan, between the latitudes 24°28' N and 25°08' N, and longitudes 121°24' E and 121°50' E. It has a total area of about 2725.S2sq. km. The temperature varies considerably with the difference of topography; altitude, leeward-windward orientation, and the distance from the sea. Because Taiwan is located in the East Asian monsoon belt, the dry season is not clear, but the basic cause of the variation in temperature, precipitation, and wind direction is topography. Generally speaking, high temperature, high wind velocity, and heavy rainfall are the prominent meteorological phenomena of this area. Using the factors mentioned above, the Tamsui valley can be divided into five climatic regions: 1. The. Tahae Chi highland climate, 2.TheHsintien-Sanhsia bill climate, 3. Keelung hill climate, 4. Taipei Basin climate, 5. the Tamsui lowland climate.