"Justice and Smile" is the second newly written full-length novel Dazaiosamu published in June, 1942. Dazaiosamu was being able to implement varieties of writing techniques and had become a significant writer during that time. "Justice and Smile" is written in diary format based on a young man's diary. People often compare this novel with Dazaiosamu's true life. In fact, Dazaiosamu usually wrote books based on his own experience and his life. Hence, his work is often being compared with his true stories in life. However, "Justice and Smile" is written based on someone else's diary and still being mentioned about Dazaiosamu's own experience has its reason. This research will analyze the structure of diary format, specifically on the meaning of the epilogue. Next, analyze the relationship among the main character, home and the brotherhood. Through analysis of the book's structure and content, this research will clarify the reasons why people usually connect the author's real life and the book itself.