本文探討我國勞動市場在1978年到1996年之間,勞工就業與薪資結構上之變化。就產業別來區分,除營造業外,凡屬相對低技術性勞力密集的產業均發生就業量減少的現象。相反的,若屬相對高技術性勞力密集的產業,其就業量有遞增的趨勢。而由於高等教育擴張政策,造成高教育勞工的供給增加。此供給衝擊(supply shock)並未降低了較年長的高教育勞工之相對薪資,但卻使得較年輕的(剛進入勞動市場不久)高教育勞工之相對薪資減少,顯示這兩類不同年齡層的高教育勞工在生產上並無很大的替代性。另女性勞工在此段期間無論在就業上或薪資上均大幅改善與男性之差距。
This study examines changes in the structure of employment and wages on Taiwan labor market over the 1978-96 period. Except for construction, those industries which are relatively more low-skilled intensive are also the industries losing employment, and those industries which are relatively more high-skilled intensive are he industries gaining employment over this period. While educational expansion policy increases number of college graduates entering the labor market, the returns to college education rose for more experienced college graduates but fell for the young, implying these two groups of workers are not close substitutes. Women's relative employment and wages increase dramatically, making female-male wage gap narrower.