摘要: | 目的:透過專家問卷調查的方式,探索影響居民運動參與之動態社區環境因素。方法:採用德爾菲專家預測法(Delphi Method)進行本研究,由國內25位相關領域的學者專家組成專家小組,並針對影響居民運動參與的動態社區環境因素提出看法,透過三次問卷往返的方式使專家群形成共識意見,以描述統計呈現各環境因素之重要性評比。結果:影響社區居民運動參與之動態社區環境因素包含五大類別,分別為:1.空間因素(共11項);2.便捷性因素(共5項);3.支持性設施因素(共6項);4.安全性因素(共13項);5.美觀性因素(共5項),總計共40項因子,前10項影響因子分別為:自覺安全性、環境整潔、游泳池救生員的配置、是否備有廁所、環境空氣品質、空間規劃、週遭的治安狀況、到達運動揚所所需的時間、距離運動揚所的遠近、停車揚的有無等。結論:除了主、客觀的安全性因子方面,其他研究成果與過去文獻呈現類似的結果,其中安全性因子更為國內學者所重視。本研究應可為未來研究、公共衛生部門、都市開發部門及其他相關領域之參考,並於國內不同社區型態分別進行調查,了解當地居民對於動態社區環境因素的實際需求,期以達到促進社區居民養成規律運動習慣之最終目的。
Purpose: To explore the active community environmental factors affecting residents' participation in physical activity. Method: Delphi method was employed to form a consensus from the expert panel The Delphi Method is a tool for achieving consensual validity among experts by providing them an anonymous summary of the experts' opinions from the previous round of questionnaire. This study was conducted by 25 experts who engage in the fields of physical fitness, statistics, leisure management, public health, urban planning, and health care. Statistical methods included mean, median, and standard deviation calculations using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 software. Results: factors identified from this study were categorized into five categories: 1. space (11 items); 2. facility (5 items); 3. supporting infrastructure (6 items); 4. safety (13 items); 5. aesthetics (5 items). Top 10 factors were known to be: safety, environmental cleanness, lifeguards, toilets, air quality, space design, crime, travel time to the facilities, the distances to facilities, parking. Conclusion: The findings were consistent with outcomes from other researches except for subjective and objective safety factors. Safety was deemed to be the most important factor by the expert panel in this study. Our findings may provide references for the public health department, urban planning professionals, and other community health-related researches. Further researches may investigate specific active community environmental factors in various communities in order to increase the residents' participation in the lifestyle of active living. |