Qualitative research has been developing and evolving for a long time, which has been entering the moment after 2010. It has its own paradigms, and the method of data collection and analysis. The aim of this study was to understand the circumstances of sport-related these which used methodologies of qualitative research from 2006 to 2011 in Taiwan. The data was collated through the national digital library of these and dissertation in Taiwan, and further proofread the contents of these to get results. It showed the methodologies of qualitative research often used consisted of case study, historical method, narrative injury, and action research. The research overviewed definitions, types, and characteristics of these four methodologies and further investigated the research topics. Hopefully, it provided more researchers with guidance and directions of the qualitative research design. It is required to understand the trends and significance in the sports world, yet returning to the nature and living sense of sport matters as well. It is expected that more researchers will invest more time and efforts in qualitative research.