目的:探討八週下肢增強式訓練的介入,對排球男童選手水平跳躍及短距離衝刺表現的差異之影響。方法:讓16名平均年齡12.28歲、平均球齡2.35年之國小排球隊男選手,依前測成績透過平衡次序法分成二組(校隊訓練組、校隊訓練+增強式訓練組;控制組,實驗組),二組分別進行二種測驗:(1)立定跳(2)30公尺衝刺跑。以相依樣本t考驗,檢定實驗組及控制組八週訓練介入之前後測平均成績之差異;再以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析,比較兩組訓練後測成績,顯著水準α = .05。結果:(1)實驗組在立定跳遠測驗,前後測成績之平均值差值為5.33 ± 4.79公分,達統計上之顯著水準(p < .05);控制組前後測成績則均未達統計上之顯著差異(p > .05)(2)實驗組在30公尺衝刺跑測驗,後測成績相較於控制組,未達統計上之顯著水準(p > .05)。結論:在八週的增強式訓練介入下,可提升國小排球隊男選手立定跳遠的表現。未來研究可針對增強式訓練對性別、體能水準、運動種類等因素,如何影響之機制做探討。
Purpose: This research was to explore the effects of plyometric training on power and speed in 6th grade male elite volleyball players. Methods: Sixteen male players were assigned randomly to training group or control group (12.28 ± 0.46 yrs). All subjects underwent regular volleyball training 3 times a week while training group practiced extra plyometric training 2 times a week for 8 weeks. Training intensity and techniques were progressively changed from first week to last week. In order to avoid injury and maintain subjects' motivation, the total amount of training (set × repetition) was progressively improved. All the subjects performed standing long jump and 30 meters sprint before and after training. The pair-sample t-test was used to analyze each group between pretest and post-test. One Way ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) was conducted to compare the effects between the groups. The statistical significance is set at a = .05. Results: The training group showed significant improvements on standing long jump test. After training, the training group performed better than the control group on the standing long jump test and significantly (p < .05). Conclusion: 8 weeks plyometric training in season could be applied in 6th grade male elite volleyball players to improve power.