爲了研究粉塵物性對濕式靜電集塵效率之影響,作者特別設計了一個靜電稱動度分析儀Electrostatic mobility analyzer (EMSA),來測量帶電粒子之靜電移動分佈Electrostatic mobility distribution,此分析儀是裝在集塵空間的好幾個垂直點上。
實驗時,集塵器會有板對針狀電極生冠狀放電,(corona discharge),另外採用往復式吹風系統來産生均勻氣流。灰塵樣品採用飛灰(Flyash)和泥土(Clay)供給電壓高到45仟伏。實驗結果顯示靜電移動分布是一個衡量集塵效率的重要參數,它主要和粒子帶電程度(隨滯留時間變化)及靜電凝集效果(隨粉塵樣品變化)有關。
In order to evaluate the collection efficiency of wet type electrostatic precipitator under the influence of dust characteristics, the electrostatic mobility distribution of dust particles was measured by using a specially designed electrostatic mobility spectrum analyzer (EMSA) at several vertical points in the precipitator.
In experiments, the precipitator was composed of plate-to-needle type electrodes to generate corona discharge and push-and-pull blowing system for making uniformly distributed dust flow. Flyash or clay was employed as a sample dust. The applied voltage was varied rather higher up to 45KV. According to the experiment results, the electrostatic mobility distribution should be noticed to be an important parameter to evaluate significantly the collection efficiency and it is also related with the degree of particle charging with residence time and electrostatic agglomeration of particles, which were varied by the kind of sample dusts.