對於不同種類染料之脫色而言,在目前各種廢水處理法中並無任何簡便,有效又能降低成本的適當方法。因此,本文研擬採用過氧化氫-亞鐵離子(Fenton's Reagent, F.R.)之氧化還原系統進行各種染料染色廢水之脫色處理,其中過氧化氫亦爲染色前處理常用助課劑,故期此法能獲得良好的脫色效果並降低廢水處理成本。
Five types of simulated dye wastewater, separately prepared with disperse, reactive, direct, acid and basic dyes, are decolorized in this article with a hydrogen peroxide-ferrous ion redox system, known as Fenton's Reagent. The results are that the best pH of decolorizetion is all lower than 3.5, the average rate of removing chemical oxygen demand (COD) is about 90% and the transparency of wastewater s all above 25 cm and the average decolorization rate is above 97%, And all results of treating the dye wastewater of mills are similar with those in lab. Temperature mainly influences the speed of decolorization, i.e. the lower the temperature, the longer the time for decolorization.