The advantage of solid over liquid electrolyte in capacitors, batteries and other electrically related devices at high frequency has been well known. Conductive polymer having organic acid dopants such as polypyrrole (PPy) is considered to be the best candidate. Especially in order to meet the requirements for new trend in surface mount technology (SMT) in electronic industry today, PPy has shown its edge to have a high temperature resistance above 300℃ and a low impedance (~1Ω ) at high frequency(~1 Mhz).
In this paper we have compared two approaches of slightly different treatments in coating of PPy layer on Al2O3 substrate of nano-scale. The first approach is the adoption of a proprietary mixture of polyaniline (PAn's) and PPy; the other is a direct coating of PPy with an anionic surfactant electrolyte. It was shown that while the effectiveness of the conductive solid electrolyte plays a key role, the quality or the fine