CANBUS網路用於汽車控制已經行之有年,該網路由兩條線串接所有元件,可以簡化線材。本研究之目的與貢獻在探討以CANbus的方式,建立一低功率之感知器網路,網路的架構包含各種感知器,能達到非侵入式的偵測人體生理的狀況,在方法論上完成一些電子衣的應用設計(Interactive Electronic Textile)的可能性,並示範將該設計所擷取生理資訊整合在已有的汽車控制系統上,可用於交通意外的黑盒子判定,或用於車隊FMS(Fleet Management System)的駕駛者之監控。
The CANbus has been used in automobile industry as a standard for reducing the wire connections. In this research we use the CANbus for biological signal sensing and collection. Eventually the idea can be implemented in the electronic textile like MAC(Motion Aware Clothing). The combination of driver's biological status and vehicle driving condition can be recorded or monitored at the same time that can be used for traffic accident analysis and FMS (Fleet Management System) control.