本研究採用Intel PXA 270 ARM Based嵌入式系統結合無線感測網路,組成低耗電和低價位的無線網路家庭監測系統。首先在Intel PXA270開發板上建立一個嵌入式WinCE系統,負責網路監控,另外透過 Zigbee主控制模組及Zigbee感測模組收集資料;軟體方面,分為網際網路端和監測系統兩個部分,在網際網路端,採用SQL server和Web頁面來開發應用程式,先將資料儲存於資料庫SQL Server中,再透過網際網路來得知感測器監測的值。嵌入式系統上的程式部分,使用C語言撰寫CGI,再利用GNU專門爲ARM所設計的Cross Compiler Toolchain,編譯成讓Embedded WinCE可執行的應用程式。本研究採用模組化設計,建立即插即用的無線通訊模組,可達到省電低價位的要求,並可整合現有的無線網路與電力線網路通訊技術,根據使用者監測的習慣,及系統設備間的依賴性與相關性,設計家庭監測網路策略,達到數位家庭監測的目標。
An energy-saved and low cost wireless home monitor system is developed in this research. It is implemented through the combination of Intel PXA 270 ARM Based embedded system and wireless sensor network. The Intel PXA 270 platform, in which the WinCE system is adopted, is utilized to monitor the network. Furthermore, the Zigbee nodes and gateway are used to gather data. Main software is formed by the internetwork's terminal and monitor system. The SQL and Web servers are adopted to develop the application programs. In the embedded system, the C language is used to program the CGI, then the Cross Compiler Tool chain is utilized to compile the source programs. The proposed architecture possesses the following salient features: module design, plug-and-play wireless components, combination of WSN and power line, new energy-saved and low cost strategy for home monitor system.