竹炭在植物培養上具有改良土壤及增加肥力之功效,且竹炭具有多孔性的特質,埋入土中或與培養土混合後,可以增加土壤的內部孔隙、改良土壤的透氣性與保水力,提供微生物的棲息空間以製造養分、增加保肥力;竹醋液具有改良土壤、減低農藥、促進農作物成長、堆肥消臭等效果。本研究為探討土壤中施放不同濃度竹炭量與竹醋液處理後對無患子(Sapindus mukorossi)生長之影響,並採集土壤樣本,分析土壤pH值、總氮量、總磷量之變化,以探討無患子生長情形與土壤化學性質之間的關係。結果顯示,土壤中添加0.05kg竹炭對無患子生長較佳,竹醋液濃度較高時,會抑制植物生長。各樣區土壤pH值雖有不同,但因竹炭添加皆有上升之情形,且以添加竹炭0.01kg的樣區,土壤pH值上升變化較為顯著,而竹醋液影響不顯著。竹炭與竹醋液添加對總氮量與總磷量之影響,其中總氮量變化幅度雖小,但以添加0.05kg竹炭對全氮量上升較佳,植物生長也較佳;而總磷量變化雖大,但對植物生長量與竹炭、竹醋液並無明顯關係。
Bamboo charcoal in cultivation of plants improved with the efficiency of soil amelioration and soil fertility. Moreover, the bamboo charcoal features porosity that after burning soil or mixing with cultivatable soil increases soil inner porosity, and improved soil permeability and water holding capacity, provided microorganism space for habitat to manufacture nutrients, and increased the soil fertility; bamboo vinegar improved the effect of soil amelioration, reduction in pesticide usage, crop growth promotion and compost deodorization. Our study investigated the effects for the growth of Sapindus mukorossi with different concentrations of bamboo charcoal and vinegar treatment in soil, and collected soil samples to analyze variations for pH, total nitrogen and total phosphorous to probe the relationship between the growth of Sapindus mukorossi and the chemical properties in soil. The results showed that it is better for the growth of Sapindus mukorossi to add 0.05kg bamboo charcoal in soil but high concentration of bamboo vinegar could inhibit the growth of plants. The pH of soil on various sampling plots was different, but whichever rised up from the addition of bamboo charcoal. The soil plot added 0.01kg bamboo charcoal was obviously increased in pH, while the bamboo vinegar was not significantly affected. On the effects of bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar for total nitrogen and total phosphorous, despite the small variation in total nitrogen but adding 0.05kg bamboo charcoal was batter as well as the growth of plants, while the total phosphorous was not obviously related to the growth of plants, bamboo charcoal and bamboo vinegar, even if the change of total phosphorous was huge.