摘要: | 由前人研究顯示,對遊客而言「飲食」被視為重要的吸引力(Bessiere, 1998;Cohen & Avieli, 2004);觀光客找尋真實且獨特的體驗,而飲食消費正讓他體驗當地文化(Plummer et al., 2005)。從業者角度,餐飲也常被用來行銷觀光地,如同節慶與嘉年華一樣可增加觀光客吸引力(Hall & Macionis, 1997)。而從歷年觀光統計顯示,台灣美食無疑是吸引來台觀光客前來的最主要特殊資源(廖國智,2010)。因此,本研究主要目的在探討飲食文化與觀光客重遊意願關係。本研究採問卷調查方式,以苗栗縣南庄鄉之觀光客為對象,採便利取樣方式進行,共計230份有效問卷。有效問卷經描述性統計、相關分析、t檢定、迴歸分析後,本研究發現:1.不同性別、年齡、婚姻狀態、居住地的遊客在客家飲食體驗有差異存在。2.客家飲食文化對觀光客重遊意願有影響。3.客家飲食影響觀光客重遊之主要因素為客家飲食新鮮感、客家飲食的多樣性以及客家飲食的口味特別。4.「精神性飲食文化」與「物質性飲食文化」對觀光客再度遊玩有影響。5.「物質性飲食文化」對觀光客重遊意願及向他人推薦有影響。根據分析結果,本研究不僅對業者提出經營上之建議,亦對後續研究者提供後續研究方向。
Previous studies have viewed food as a significant attraction while people travel (Bessiere, 1998; Cohen and Avieli, 2004). Tourists are seeking authentic and unique experiences and the consumption of local food and beverages brings the tourist closer to the host culture (Plummer et al., 2005). Like festivals and carnivals, food and drink is often conducted in marketing tourism to increase the tourist attraction (Hall and Macionis, 1997) Taiwan's delicacies are undoubtedly the most particular resource that attracts foreign visitors (Liao, 2010). Therefore, the major purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between food culture and tourists' revisit intention.This study adopted a questionnaire method and conducted convenience sampling on tourists that visited Miaoli County's Nanchuang Township. Two hundred and thirty valid questionnaires were collected. The valid surveys were subjected to descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Empirical results showed that 1. gender, age, marital status, and place of residence cause differences in tourists' Hakka food experience; 2. Hakka food culture affects tourists' revisit intention; 3. Hakka food affects tourists' revisit intention mainly through Hakka food's freshness, diversity, and flavor; 4. ”spiritual food culture” and ”material food culture” affect tourists' revisit intention; and 5. ”material food culture” affects tourists' recommendation to others. According to the analytical results, managerial implications and suggestions for future studies are provided. |