摘要: | 高台落下跳躍訓練常出現於各種運動訓練的課表之中,但是對於強度設定上則標準不 一,而男女性在下肢肌力及跳躍著地的動作型態上有所不同,所以藉由生物力學參數對落下 跳躍高台高度做標準化的分析比較,找出適合男女性的高台高度。研究目的:探討不同性別 中,依照個人下蹲跳能力所設計的50%、75%、100%、125%與150%下蹲跳高度的5 個高台 高度落下跳躍後的:一、反應性力量指標,二、運動學與動力學參數,三、下肢肌群表面肌 電圖,四、5 種標準化高台高度的活化後增益效果。研究方法:招募男女性各15 名籃球與排 球運動員,實驗流程分成三部分:一、測試每個人下蹲跳也當作活化後增益效果前測,再依 照下蹲跳能力設計50%、75%、100%、125%與150%下蹲跳高度的5 個高台。二、每一天隨 機選擇1 個高台,分成5 天,分別從5 個高台進行落下跳躍,每個高台落下跳躍5 次。三、 再施測下蹲跳來檢視活化後增益效果後測。本研究利用11 台Motion 紅外線高速攝影機 (200Hz),2塊AMTI測力板(2000Hz),Delsys無線表面肌電圖(2000Hz),並利用Motion Analysis 同步擷取資料。統計分析以2×5two-way ANOVA (性別×五種高台) 考驗受試者各項參數的差 異以及活化後增益效果。統計顯著水準皆定為=.05,當達到顯著水準時,利用Bonferroni 法進行事後比較 (Bonferroni post hoc)。 Drop jump has been used as an effective training exercise in many sports training program. However, there is no standard for the intensity of drop jump. There is gender difference in strength and the movement of jumping and landing patterns. In order to find the appropriate intensity of drop jump, we will quantify the intensity of drop jump by using the parameters and methods of biomechanics. Purpose: To investigate the gender differences of five drop jump intensities (50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, and 150% of countermovement jump height) on reaction force index, kinematics, kinetics, EMG and post-activation potentiation. Method: 15 males and 15 females in college basketball and volleyball teams are recruited in this study. There are three steps in this study. First, the personal countermovement jump height is measured as the pre-test of post-activation potentiation. Then it is used to set the five intensities (50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, and 150% of countermovement jump height) of drop jump. Second, randomly selecting a drop jump height on a day, it takes five days to finish the five intensities of drop jump test. Subjects practice five times from each drop jump height. Third, the countermovement jump height is measured again as the post-test of post-activation potentiation. There are eleven high speed cameras (200Hz), two force plates (2000Hz) and electromyography equipment (2000Hz) synchronized in the Motion Analysis software. A mixed design repeated-measures analysis of variance (2 genders * 5 intensities) is performed on the parameters of biomechanics. Alpha level is set at 0.05 for all statistical tests. During post hoc tests, alpha level is corrected for multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni procedure. |