摘要: | 婦女在社會中扮演著照護家庭成員與傳承經驗的重要角色,但傳統的性別觀念 卻使婦女於社會中成為弱勢,且長久以來的性別歧視更使社會產生各種對立與衝 突,不僅如此,在都市環境營造方面亦經常忽略婦女需求,而大為降低婦女外出參 與社會活動之意願,因此如何在生活空間的規劃設計中,評估都市環境對於婦女的 友善程度,並如何充分考量婦女對於友善的步行環境之需求,將成為值得關注的議 題。本計畫為求建構一個婦女友善之 TOD 步行環境,進而促進婦女身心健康,將 分為如下兩部分進行探討: 1. 首先,旨在建立台灣婦女友善 TOD步行環境之評估指標,首先將 TOD設計理念 與婦女步行需求相結合,以台北都市環境為研究對象,以模糊德爾菲法(FDM) 界定出 TOD婦女友善指標的相互影響關係,藉此從婦女的角度探討其對於友善 步行環境之喜好,並以分析網絡程序法(ANP)建立出評估指標,並評估台北都 市婦女友善程度,以供各都市未來發展婦女友善 TOD環境之參考。如此雖能提 供台灣朝向婦女友善都市發展,但亦僅著重於國土與區域之尺度,尚未考量到 都市內 TOD環境對於婦女的個體影響,據此本計畫續擬第二部分之研究。 2. 其次為,探討婦女友善 TOD步行環境與婦女身心健康之影響關係,以空間型構 法則(space syntax)為基礎,以台北捷運 104個 TOD區為研究對象,探討 TOD 婦女友善各項指標與婦女需求之關係;其中以階層線性模式(HLM)與結構方程 模式(SEM)分別分析 TOD 步行環境對婦女身心健康之影響,在過程中充分了解 婦女個體旅運之需求,供後續評估指標反應到 TOD環境設計,以期研擬出因應 TOD友善環境發展對策。 The Woman play an important role in the society for taking care of preschool kids and passing heritage experiences on. But as technology becomes more and more advanced,the Woman have been pushed into the disadvantageous group, enjoying no comfort or convenience from the technological benefits. Meanwhile, community urbanization have been the global trend, making friendly and convenient living environment desperately desirable to make up the Woman for their inadaptability to the social changes and the inconvenience resulted from their weakened physical capabilities. As a result, simply absent is discussion on how to enhance the physical and mental health of the Woman by improving the urban conditions in response to the Woman phenomena that TOD faces. For Taiwan to develop sustainable TOD urbanization, this project will be divided into 2 phases to study different contents and objects, respectively. The first is aimed to establish the evaluation indicators for a friendly TOD environment for the Taiwan Woman. To begin with, the TOD design ideas are combined with the walk needs of the Woman. The urban environments of the major cities of Taiwan are taken as the study objects. And the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) is used to define the indicators for the Woman friendliness. The features of an Woman-friendly TOD environment is then set forth in order to take the Woman people's perspectives to view their preferences for friendly transportation environments. Finally, the analytical network process (ANP) is used to set up the evaluation indicators which, hopefully, will be referenced in the future for the development of Woman-friendly TOD cities. These indicators, however, are built on an urban scale, and elements of TOD environmental impact on Woman are yet to be taken into considerations. This individual observation is left to the 2nd phase of the project. In the second phase, the TOD factors of walk and transportation environment are studied to see their impact on the physical and mental health of the Woman. To begin with, the space syntax method is used as the foundation to take in the study result from the previous , and the environmental features of the 104 Taipei MRT stations are added as the study objects. Through the analysis of the TOD walkway network, the indicators for TOD friendliness on Woman individuals are decided. In the analysis, the hierarchical linear modeling and structural equation modeling are used to identify the TOD walk environment factors that affect the physical and mental health of the Woman. The entire analytical process fully takes into consideration of the needs of Woman individuals. This individuality schema can be reflected in subsequent studies for TOD design in response to the issues. |