本研究計劃主要探討現象為人對短暫呈現的大量圖片之目標搜尋與記憶表現。在現代無數的工商影像透過無所不在的視覺傳媒環伺在我們身邊的時代,人們經常需要從許多圖片裡面作出快速的選擇。但過去認知心理領域的研究已知人的心智資源(注意力)有限,在一瞬間從眼前閃過的影像,人們其實無法有意義的所有所見物體之資訊, 什麼樣類型的物體影像會在快速呈現的大量圖片之中被人注意且留下印象? 色彩、觀看圖片的數量、圖片呈現時間、以及刺激的大小是否會影響此表現?為了回答這些問題,本研究設計了三個實驗。實驗一為自由觀看隨後報告(提取回憶)的作業,受試者在觀看數量不同、隨機選擇出現的大量物體圖片之後,必須報告他們看到(記住)了什麼。實驗二則是目標搜尋作業,受試者被提示一個目標物之後必須在隨後短暫出現的大量圖片當中判斷其中是否有該目標物。實驗一與實驗二分別由兩種作業來探討什麼類型的物體容易被記憶以及正確偵測,同時也以色彩有無、呈現時間、物體圖片總數以及觀看視角等等作為自變項,釐清這些因素的影響。而實驗三也是一個已文字作為目標提示的視覺搜尋作業,不過其中最主要的變項為搜尋的目標是代表幾種不同情緒的臉部表情,包括喜怒哀樂驚訝等等,此實驗的目的是希望瞭解人對哪一種情緒表現的偵測較為敏感。所有實驗都將以眼動儀進行視覺行為之記錄眼球運動。所得結果將對視覺傳播設計領域的影像版面呈現以及呈現物體類別給與具體建議。 The research aim at investigate the performance of target searching and retrieval from short exposure to numerous images. Typical visual environments of current generation contain numerous images with various object categories, but it is well established that observers do not have register all of items they expose to. Rather, it seems that human vision extracts only partial information from every glance. What is the nature of this selective encoding of the visual stimuli composed with numerous images of different objects? Will color, exposure time, viewing angle and number of distract items affect the performance? Although there is considerable research on short-term coding of individual objects, such as human faces, animals or scenes, much less is known about the performance of simultaneously viewing many images with various objects. The current research project proposes three experiments to investigate the phenomenon. Experiment 1 is a free-viewing and retrieval task. Participants will be exposed to 50, 75 or 100 images for very short time (0.5 or 1 sec),and will required to retrieve the items they seen. Experiment 2 is a visual searching experiment. Participants will be asked to judge whether a given object (target) appear in a stimuli compose with numerous objects in a brief exposures (0.5 or 1 sec). The object category of the target could be influential to the results. Experiment 3 is particularly designed to determine the detection performance to different facial expressions. It is a visual searching task similar to that of in Experiment 2, but the targets are different types of emotions, including happy, sad, angry, surprised and so on. Eye movements were recorded during all experiments.