The market of credit card issuance in Taiwan has rooted since 1970s. After numer-ous trials and development in decades, the booming of credit card system does help create huge business opportunities for banking and finance industries.
In particular, the credit card-based services play a much more important role for re-tailing stores than that in the past, owing to its rapid growth both in number of credit card transactions and in the variety of the derived applications and supports.
Such situation makes more and more business transactions and the corresponding service quality rely heavily on the stableness of the credit card acquiring system. As a consequence, how to minimize the network anomaly becomes a vital issue.
To respond to this challenge mentioned above, this study reviews the current prac-tices and designs of the acquiring system in Taiwan, putting it emphasis on designing a better architecture for backup solutions, with its target on large specialty and stores. We hope our proposed outcome can help strengthen the weakness of current practice.