The study aims to understand the condition of parenting stress from
parents with preschool age child and the possible factor of impaction.
According to Abidian (1992) researcher separated parenting stress into the constructions of parental distress, parent-child dysfunctional interaction, and difficult child in order to establishing research framework and addressing modification of questionnaire. The findings of investigation are as follows. The first, both father and mother feel deeply in parental distress because of the change of passive life style. The second, fathers’ parenting stress is influenced by their age and vocational class significantly, and mothers’ parenting stress is affected by their vocational class only. The final, there is low positive relationship between parenting stress of parents significantly. In the last chapter, author made five suggestions to parents with preschool age child like: to make a leisure for better quality of life, to set up the idea of co-parenting, to balance between work and family, to increase the way of social support, and to construct well communication of interaction on parents for maintaining marriage relationship fine.