目的:本研究在探討高中划船選手專項能力與測功儀2000公尺成績的相關。方法:以高級中學男生西式划船項目代表隊19人為對象,探討9項身體素質,包括指極長(伸展臂長)、下肢長、仰臥起坐、引體向上、坐姿體前彎、屈膝深蹲、俯臥拉、1600公尺跑走、500公尺測功儀測驗對划船測功儀2000公尺運動表現之相關性。2000公尺測功儀成績得之於2013冬季室內划船錦標賽之成績。測驗數據經編碼建檔後,利用SPSS 20.0版套裝軟進行描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元逐步迴歸分析。結果:一、以皮爾森積差相關分析專項能力與2000公尺測功儀成績的相關係數為身高(r=-.50,p<.05)、體重(r=.78,p<.05)、500公尺測功儀(r=.54,p<.05)達顯著相關。二、以多元逐步迴歸方法,制訂高中划船2000公尺測功儀成績為(2000公尺測功儀成績)=-3.576*體重(公斤)+0.405*1600公尺跑走(秒)+541.097。體重與1600公尺跑走對2000公尺測功儀有69.7%解釋力。結論:身材高大有較高有氧耐力的選手在2000公尺測功儀有較好的表現。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between a battery of special motor ability with ergometer 2000-meter performance. Methods: Nineteen male senior high school rowing athletes were voluntarily recruited in the present study. Nine special ability items including arm stretching maximal fingertip distance, lower extremity length, sit-ups, chin-ups, sit and reach, squat, pull-ups, and 1600-meter run, as well as 500-meter rowing ergometer test were evaluated. The 2000-meter ergometer performance was derived from 2013 National Indoor Rowing Championships. After encoding and archiving the data, the SPSS 20.0 package software was adopted for descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results: 1. The Pearson correlation analysis revealed significant relationship between 2000 meter ergometer performance and body height (r=-.50,p<.05) , body weight (r=.78,p<.05), 500-meter ergometer (r=.54,p<.05); 2. 2000-meter ergometer performance could be predicted through multiple regression of: (2000-meter ergometer performance)=-3.576*weight (kg)+0.405*1600-meter running (second)+541.097, with an explanatory power of 69.7%. Conclusion: A sturdy rower with higher aerobic fitness level could be a good prediction of 2000-meter ergometer performance.