本研究旨在探討不同背景的民眾之退休規劃情形與生活品質的現況,並從退休規劃以及生活品質其差異情形,並探討彼此間的相關性。研究採問卷調查,以台北市轄內十二行政區之民眾,採立意取樣方式進行。研究工具包括「理財規劃量表」、「生活品質量表」,採李克特氏五點量表方式評定,與「個人背景變項」等編製成預試問卷初稿,其內容效度經六位學者專家審核修正成預試問卷。共發出預試樣本數為150份,有效回收率90%。經統計分析Cronbach’sα係數為.936,顯示預試問卷信、效度良好。故量表題項均保留。隨即發放正式樣本數為450份,有效問卷共計377份,有效回收率為84%。結果以SPSS for Windows 21.0統計套裝軟體,採用次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析(若具顯著差異時進行Scheffe’s事後檢定),在不符合變異數同質性假設前提下,本研究進行Brown-Forsythe檢定以及Welch檢定(若不顯著時則進行Dunnett’s T3事後比較檢定)、皮爾森積差相關、多元逐步回歸等方法進行資料處理統計分析。
This study aims to understand the current situation and correlation of retirement planning and living quality of Taipei citizens among different demographics. The purposive sampling is conducted by distributing a structure pre-designed questionnaire to Taipei citizens in each administrative region. Three measurement tables were used for this study and including financial planning, living quality and participants’ demographics with a Likert five-point scale. A pilot study was conducted by distributing 150 pre-test questionnaires and the content validity was modified by six professionals before the questionnaire was formed.
The Cronbach’s α value of the pre-test questionnaires was .936 and confitmed it is validity or reliability. The total of 450 official questionnaires were distributed and 377 completed questionnaires were obtained, the total response rate is 84%. The results which analyzed by SPSS for Windows21.0 including the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent sample t-test, ANOVA (Scheffe’s post hoc test was performed in cases with significant difference), Brown-Forsythe and Welch (Dunnett’s T3 in cases with significant difference), Pearson correlation, and multiple stepwise regression are shown as follow:
1. The retirement planning and living quality were indicated positive correlation especially for the person who did well retirement planning and execution.
2. The better situation of health and financial has the better living quality
in genernal, especially for the items “psychological health” .
3. The activity planning is the one of which could explain the living quality in the most.
4. Elder person could maintain better quality of living with the standard, elder people need to enjoy their remaining life with the positive living attitude and lifelong learning.
This study suggests:
1. In terms of personal:
Everyone should learn what is the pre-retirement education system. The subjects can be focused on financial management, risk planning, personal health and activity arrangement.
2. In terms of private-owned organizations:
The private-owned organizations can share a certain amount of profit to look after their retired employees.
3. In terms of further study in this particular topic:
(1) Research scope can be expanded, and more participants should be recruited.
(2) Individual and group interview were suggested for future study in order to have valuable results in depth.