為了題項的修正,本研究初步參考行政院環保署的低碳永續家園評量十大機能面向及Teng et al., (2012)「飯店綜合性指標的ECCR管理策略評價模式」篩選出包括綠色運輸、綠色旅館、綠色餐廳、綠色商店與採購及綠色標章認證等5大機能面向(不包含最高管理層的承諾及交流與參與等面向)、28個行動項目、46個建議評量指標群及133個評量指標的評量準則;其次,透過FDM等三階段統計數量分析後,數據分析顯示,首先刪除了低於專家共識門檻值的指標群;最後,經過成對樣本t檢定(Paired-Samples T Test)對於指標群的使用優先順序的檢核,篩選出5個機能面向合計篩除了8個建議評量指標群,36個評量管理指標群與112個具有量化性功能的評量指標及其優先性被確認,完成了綠色旅館適宜性指標之建構。由本研究的結果表明,飯店管理者可以配合政府相關主管機關的政策,並建構飯店專屬的管理模式與評量指標,以改善飯店的環境管理。
The purposes of the present study are to construct and develope suitability criteria indicators in green hotel for the hotel industry in Taiwan, to improve environmental conditions in hotels in response to the requirements of modern green living environment and to mitigate the acceleration of global climate change.
Thirty-five qualitative expert interviews were conducted with senior hotel managers, environmental specialists, and government officials to construct and develop suitability criteria indicators in green hotel use by quantitative analysis of such as Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM), Important-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Pair-t Hypothesis Test, and to complete the construction of suitable indicators of green hotel. For item modification, a five function dimensions, including green transportation, green hotel, green resturntent, green stores and purchase and green label were screened out from the low-carbon sustainable assessments by EPA of Taiwan and developing energy conservation and carbon reduction indicators for the hotel industry in Taiwan by Teng et al., (2012) were referred. Using qualitative expert interviews and a quantitative analysis such as FDM, IPA and Pair-t Hypothesis Test, underlying 36 indicators in this assessment system were screened out and reconfirmed. The results of this study indicate that hotel managers can coordinate the policy formulated by relevant government authorities, to construct the management model and assessment indicators for the hotel industry and to improve the hotel's environmental management conditions.