目的:肌力、爆發力與速度是身體素質相當重要的體能要素,本研究在探討單邊與雙邊訓練對高中男子籃球員的肌力、爆發力與速度間之比較差異。方法:以24名高中男子籃球隊學生為研究對象,採隨機分組,分成雙邊訓練組(bilateral resistance training)與單邊訓練組(unilateral resistance training),兩組均接受每週4天的籃球專項訓練。雙邊組接受傳統雙側的肌力訓練,而單邊組只接受單側的肌力訓練,兩種皆進行每週3天、為期8週漸進式肌力訓練,兩組相對訓練量相等。訓練前後均參加肌力、爆發力與速度之前測和後測,測驗項目包括:22.2公尺衝刺跑、藥球前拋、垂直跳、仰臥推舉、深蹲舉及腿推蹬,以混合二因子變異數分析比較兩組訓練前後組間的差異情形,顯著水準訂為α=.05。結果:經過8週訓練後,兩組在速度、上肢爆發力和肌力方面均顯著進步,其中單邊訓練組在肌力(仰臥推舉、深蹲舉、腿推蹬)方面均優於雙邊訓練組。結論:本研究所設計的8週單邊與雙邊訓練可有效提升高中籃球員之上、下肢肌力、上肢爆發力及速度表現;特別是在上、下肢肌力方面,單邊組的進步幅度皆明顯優於雙邊組。
urpose:strength, power and speed are important physical factors in athletic body. The purpose of the research was to analyze the effects of unilateral and bilateral training on strength, power and speed of senior high basketball player. Methods:The subjects of the experiment were twenty-four male senior high school basketball players. The subjects were randomly divided into bilateral group and unilateral group. both groups received basketball training four times a week, bilateral group received traditional strength training while unilateral group received only unilateral strength training thrice a week for eight weeks, with equal relative training volume. All the subjects had a pretest and posttest of strength, power and speed. The test included 22.2m sprints, medcine-ball front toss, vertical jump, bench press, squat and leg press. Data were analyzed by mixed-designed two-way ANOVA. The significant level was set α= .05. Results:After the unilateral and bilateral training for eight weeks, speed, power and strength of the two groups increased and unilateral group performed significantly better than the bilateral group in the strength tests(bench press、squat、leg press). Conclusion:Bilateral and unilateral training can increase the muscular strength of upper and lower body as well as upper body power and speed of senior high basketball player. Unilateral training is significantly better than bilateral training in the upper and lower body muscle strength performance.